PhD candidate Iwnetim Abate has been awarded the prestigious Miller Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Miller Institute at the University of California in Berkeley. The fellowship "seeks to discover and encourage individuals of outstanding talent, and to provide them with the opportunity to pursue their research on the Berkeley campus." Iwnetim will be graduating with his Ph.D and starting the postdoctoral fellowship in the summer of 2021.
Congratulations Tim! |
A recent paper published in Nano Letters by Loza Tadesse and Jennifer Dionne (L. F. Tadesse et al., Nano Lett., 2020, doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03189) was featured on Physics Today. The paper was also featured as ACS Editor’s Choice article. Loza and her collaborators discuss a new protocol they developed for liquid surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). According to the Physics Today summary, the new protocol allows SERS measurements to be taken on live bacteria while avoiding the dangers of exposure that was present when using droplets.
Congratulations, Loza! |
SCIFRO, a non profit organization founded by EPSNA members and Stanford PhD candidates Iwnetim Abate and Loza Tadesse in collaboration with Prof. Manu Prakash won a call-to-action grant of $200K from the Gates Foundation. Iwnetim and Loza founded SCIFRO INC, which stands for frontiers in science for Ethiopia and the African content, a non-profit organization that aims at equipping young Africans innovate energy and medical devices to solve local problems through advancing engineering education, entrepreneurship skill development, and partnering with industry.
EPSNA would like to congratulate Sewareg Mengistu, currently finishing her BSc in physics BSc at University of Gonder, on getting admitted to the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Postgraduate Diploma program in High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (HECAP). Sewareg was one of 6 students selected for the EPSNA pilot Graduate School mentorship program and matched with Kassahun Betre (EPSNA secretary). In addition to Kassahun, Sewareg was also receiving assistance and mentorship from her personal friend, Keith Keyser, who met her when he was a Peace Corps Volunteer teacher in Ethiopia several years ago. In addition to ICTP, Sewreg got admission to a Masters program at Uppsala University in Sweden, however, the admission did not come with a scholarship to cover tuition.
Sewareg is exceptionally talented student with a 3.9 GPA, and was awarded best female student. In the future, she wants to pursue a PhD Astrophysics or Astronomy and inspire women students in Ethiopia to pursue higher education in the fields of Astrophysics and Astronomy. Congratulations, Sewareg! We are proud of you! |
An opinion piece by Professor Solomon Bililign on the Greensboro leans on research linking poor air quality with higher mortality due to covid-19 to highlight the importance of greater effort towards improving air quality. Read more here.
Photo by Carla von Münchow, courtesy of Astrobus Ethiopia.
A team of 24 astrophysicists in Ethiopia, including Nebiha Shafi - a former student of Dr. Solomon Duki, is on a tour of 8 cities in Ethiopia promoting critical and abstract thinking to Ethiopian high school students. The story is reported on globalvoices.
Follow the link for the full article: |
The Summer School that our own Iwnetim and Loza organized was featured on Stanford News! Stanford students take STEM home to Ethiopia